Joel Harrison, B2B Marketing
Editor-in-chief B2B Marketing @joel_b2beditor
Improving CX is a priority for 70% of marketers.
Responsibility for CX doesn't sit within a specific team for 63% of B2B brands - it sits with marketing only 25% of the time.
The number one CX management challenge for marketers is lack of clarity over who's responsible for CX.
87% of buyers already have a preference for a supplier before they start making a detailed evaluation.
Face-to-face interaction is fundamental: 56% of buyers say meeting with suppliers is the most influential factor in their decision-making.
1. Have you mapped excellence in CX across all touchpoints? 2. Do you have a coherent and consistent CX plan? 3. Are all relevant departments aligned and on board? 4. Do staff at every level understand CX's relevance to them? 5. Do you have clear, coherent metrics which are reported to and discussed by the board? 6. Are you actively engaging influencers? 7. Are you building your customer alumni? 8. Do you cultivate feedback and demonstrably act on it?